
Happy Holidays From Gundam Fantasy

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laluna's avatar

Literature Text

o/` Santa honey, one little thing I really need... o/`

It wasn't the sort of thing she did, however for one night of the year she put on a performance for her one and only. A little flare and seduction, the gently flicking of her finger under his chin which caused the Empress' Fire Mage to practically melt under her touch. Unmei grinned a bit as she climbed onto the couch sliding onto her husband's lap bringing her lips to his.

o/` Santa baby.... just hurry down the chimney tonight... o/`

The pair laughed a bit at how silly it seemed in the end but no one else was watching. Or so they thought as the littlest Maxwell child turned on her heels and skipped back down the hallway. Fiama skipped along passed several doors before singing rather off key as she entered the main room of her Sisters'. Her twin braided pigtails swinging around as she skipped around the couch boastfully.

o/` Iiiiiii saw mommy kissing saaaaaanta claaaaaus o/`

"aaaaah! That's not true!" squeaked Cecilia as she clutched her stuffed rabbit close to her leaning over the large pillow in front of the fire place. The young child looked up at her aunt and pouted cutely.

Hope turned scowling slightly at Fiama's behavior as she continued to crow around the room, "Santa doesn't come until all the boys and girls are asleep...." She stated it firmly as if being in the know the entire time. The sister to the Empress's Blood Mage looked down at her niece as she finished brushing out her hair. "There you go Liliane..."

"I so too saw my mommy kissing Santa!" Fiama stood there now hyper actively standing on her hands staring at them.

"I thought Santa was shy like dad....." Talia spoke softly while looking up at her mother who could only cover her face with a heavy sigh.

"Okay that's enough Fiama come to bed you guys are all spending it together camping out here for the night." She reminded them, and more importantly her sister of this to get her to come closer. The mother of three looked down at her kids then smiled softly, "Besides the sooner you all get to sleep the sooner Santa can come and deliver your presents.."

"Aw...... why can't we stay up? I already saw Santa!" Fiama whined still pacing the floor on her hands like some sort of hyper active monkey. She squeaked being lifted up by her ankles staring up at the Lightning Mage.

"Because ..... if your a good girl then you would go to bed when told."

"Yay! See Santa already came and left!"

"W-what?" Wufei looked down at the child as if she had lost her mind.

Liliane looked up at Hope confused, as Hope merely rolled her eyes, "He didn't' show up yet Fiama stop lying like that in front of Liliane... "

"But he did!" She chirped out swiftly hugging the Lightning Mage's torso. "See! I got my wish I got to hug Feifei!"

Cecilia rolled her eyes slightly before flopping down on the pillow behind her, "Fiaaaammmmmmaaaaaa...... Mommy said that if you keep lying your nose is going to grow and grow....."

"I'm okay with that!"

"W-What?!" Hope replied acting as if the words had been scandalous of the young girl to say. "Fiama...... seriously now."

"No really! If my nose grew that much that fast I'd be made of wood.. and then when we needed fire wood I cold tell a lie and my nose would grow and you could chop my nose off for fire wood when it was really cold and if it wasn't cold then then it could be camp fire wood to cook food with and ......." Fiama rambled on before she could finish Wufei's hand lightly covered her mouth after turning the hyper active child upright.

Watching her the girls god-father looked horrified as not even his hand stopped her chattering little mouth form still talking into his hands. "....... Are we sure she's not possessed by a demon?"

"I'm certain...." Dahlia's lip twitched into a smile before looking at the rest, "Okay....... let's see..... T'was the night before the holidays and all through the palace..... not a creature was stirring...... not even little Fiama....." Grinning as the girl shut up and pouted while being settled down she continue. "The stockings all hung by the chimney with care..... "

As Dahlia spoke calmly to the four nestled into bed she had barely noticed that Hope and Liliane had wandered off for now. The pair walking hand in hand at this point made their way back towards where the Empress was dwelling, Hope smiled warmly watching Liliane toddle slightly ahead of her as if she was leading this walk. Stopping swiftly the little girl pointed out the window with a smile.

Hope's mismatched gaze panned upward to see the star in the sky. She smiled at how bright and blue the star had been then carefully put Liliane's hands together, "Okay... now make a wish and don't' tell anyone not even me."

Liliane grinned brightly and did just that. Her little forehead scrunched up as she tried harder to make a wish upon this special star. Strong arms lifted her up and her eyes fluttered open seeing her father holding her. Giggling a bit she held on then looked back at her aunt who smiled up at her brother, "Look Hope my wish came true!"

The Empress laughed softly then lightly put her hand on top of her child's head. The little girl happily switched parents and warmly held onto her mother while being gently rocked. Yawning a moment after she sleepily snuggled the young princess spoke up, "...... Merry Christmas mommy...."
Happy Holiday's from Haro and I. This was rather last minute but I felt it was needed as a post. ;) Plus picturing Fiama singing that song gave me a contact sugar high. I blame all the rice crispy treats I seem to have acquired.
© 2011 - 2024 laluna
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ZeroChainYuy's avatar
I can't take it...tooo much....aaaaaaaawwwwwww HOW CUTE....CUTENESS OVERLOAD !!! I love it!